Emotional Intelligence


Have you ever questioned why at times negative thoughts flood your mind and how could you possibly turn such thoughts into positive ones ? Have you ever noticed the impact of how you think on what your decision or choice is  when faced with an important dilemma ?
There are many questions but the fact is that our thoughts govern what we do and our responses to life , and in such occasions emotional intelligence may be indeed a plus .
Traditionally , people understood intelligence as the cognitive or mental capacity of a person , and the means employed to measure it is the well known IQ ( intelligence quotient ) test . In 1983 however , in his book “Fames of Mind” , developmental psychologist Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligencies . Thus , instead of defining intelligence as a single logical ability , we should rather see it as a set of several clusters of skills – to date , in number of nine .
The list includes :
• Naturalist intelligence ( “nature smart” )
• Musical intelligence ( “musical smart “ )
• Logical-mathematical intelligence ( “number /reasoning smart” )
• Interpersonal intelligence ( “people smart” )
• Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence ( “body smart” )
• Linguistic intelligence ( “word smart” )
• Intrapersonal intelligence ( “self smart” )
• Spatial intelligence ( “picture smart” )
• Existential intelligence ( “morality smart” )

With the international launch of the book “Emotional Intelligence” in 1995 , psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman popularized this kind of intelligence , normally defined as the sentimental capacity of the mind , or the ability to identify , assess and control emotions .
Thus , according to Goleman , emotional intelligence has the following aspects :
1. Knowing our emotions
2. Managing our emotions
3. Recognizing emotions in others
4. Managing relationships with others
5. Motivating ourselves to  achieve our goals

All these aspects are important because we always need to decipher and manage emotions

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Emotional intelligence ( EQ or EI ) is not merely related to decision making , and currently it starts becoming maybe even more important than the IQ . Studies showed that , while the job a person gets after graduating might reflect the actual IQ , how far he/she advances in that job bears little relationship to it and sometimes not even related to that person’s grades in school . Rather , that person’s success is related to the EQ . Our success and happiness in life are more closely associated with EQ than with any other form of intelligence .

Emotional intelligence begins to develop in the earliest years as all the small exchanges children have with their parents , teachers and with each other carry emotional messages . How important is  then to start molding it as earliest possible .

A variety of scientific studies have shown that increasing a person’s EQ will prevent or treat depression , phobias , obsessive-compulsive disorder , post-traumatic stress disorder , anorexia , bulimia and various addictions . Enhancing EQ is even more important in individuals who don’t have any addiction or a specific disease , as it promotes a happier life , the individuals getting to think more clearly and communicate more effectively .

Over the past decade , researchers had done extensive studies on the factors that influence EQ and found that genetic makeup , childhood experiences and current level of emotional support all play an important role .

It was shown as well that a plant-based diet is associated with healthier mood states in both men and women , and switching to a vegetarian diet will reduce the levels of stress , anxiety and depression , apparently because the plant foods don’t contain arachidonic acid known as an inflammatory fat present largely in meat and fish .
The activities we are doing as well have a very big impact on our IQ and EQ . The more entertainment television watched , the lower the creativity and one’s grades , resulting in addition and  a lack of emotional control – that might lead even to the increase of violent and sexual crimes . Entertainment Internet , videos and video games are shown to have adverse effects .
The most important influence on EQ however is what we believe . Our beliefs – meaning , our evaluations of the events , the way we think about problems , our silent self-talk – in a large measure shape our emotions . Thus , our beliefs have much more to do with how we feel than what is actually happening in our lives    .

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Family Meals

It is not only with the Holidays or special occasions that we should consider gathering as family for meals . The benefits of such an old tradition in every culture of this World , can not be denied and can be seen in many areas of the general health and well-being .
Give it a try ! You won’t regret !
It’s only 20 mins of the long 24 hours to experience the blessings !

High Achievers Aiming for PERFECT NUTRITION

A   new  school  year  is  about  to  start  ,  and  we  all   are  students in  the  lifestyle   area  of  study –  no  matter  if  we  are  young  in  age  ,  or ,  still  young  in  the  heart  .

How  are  we  going  to  know  if  it  would  a  good  one  or  not ?     Is  it  our aim  to  make  the  best  of  this  new  year ?

First  of  all  ,  we  are  going  to  need  a  lot  of  energy   in  order  to  set  up  for  this   journey  .  Anyone  guess  what  is  the  energy  about  ?!   Yeap ,  it  comes  from  foods !  Not  only  how  much  we  eat ,  but  more  importantly  the  quality  of  the  fuel  we’re  taking in  .

We  are  going  to  learn  as  well   many  new  concepts –  and  maybe  changes   of  some  of  our  paradigms will  be  necessary  here  and  there  .

We  are  certainly  going  to  face   many  evaluations  on  the  way  –  to   analyze   our  progress  and  help  us   keep  up  on  the  track  .

And ,  for  sure ,  it  depends  only  on  us  if  we  want  to  make  of  this  year  the  most  perfect  of  all   in  terms  of  health  .

For  those  of  us  who  maybe  forgot  the  grading  system  ,  I  will  take  few  minutes  now  to  have  a  very  brief  review  .                                                                                                 Starting  to  the  higher  standards  we’re  aiming   for ,  here’s  the  A  group  : A+  is  100 ,  A  is  90  ,  and   A-  is  85 …

Then  ,  the  B  section  :   B+  is  80 ,  B is  70  ,  and  B-  is  65  .

Then ,  comes  the  C  section  !  (  not  the  one  you  maybe  are  thinking  about  ! ha  )  :  C+ is  60 ,  C is  50 ,   C- is  45

(  I  have to  admit  that  this  looks  quite  scary –  you’re  about  to  surely  fail  if  getting  stuck   for  too  long   in  the  C section ! hmmm   But ,  don’t  worry ,  there’s  always   grace  given  abundantly  to  redo  some  of  your  classes ,  retake  some  of your  tests   and  increase  your  grade !   )

The  D  section  :  D+  is  40 ,  D is  30  ,  D-  is  25

And ,  the  lowest  standard  section  :   F+  is  20  ,  and  F  is  10 ….  (  see ,  there  is  no  F- ! hmm )

So ,  you  might  ask now  :  What’s  the  point  anyway   ,   and  what’s  the  link  of all  these  to   the  lifestyle  class  – especially  in  terms  of  diet  –   I  was  mentioning  about   at  the  beginning  ?

Make  the  following   chart your  perfect  guide  in  terms  of  food  choices  while   aiming  for  perfect  health  and  wellbeing  , and  it’s  guaranteed  that   this  year  will  be  a  highly  performance  one  ,  an  A+  year  !

Keep  it  Up !

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An  Old  World  vegetable  that  has  soared  in  popularity  in  recent  times  –    Is  there  anything  kale  can’t  do ?

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What is  Kale ?

Kale  is  a  dark –green , leafy  vegetable  that  has  a  mild  cabbage  flavor ,  suggesting  that  is  comes  from  the  family  of  health-promoting  cruciferous  vegetables .  Kale comes  in several  varieties ,  including  curly  kale , Tuscan kale (  known  also  as  “dinosaur kale” )  ,  and  the  red  Russian  kale .


What  is  it  good  for ?

The  studies  showed  that  kale  has  antioxidant , anti-inflammatory ,  anticancer ,  and  cholesterol-lowering  properties . For  example ,  a  study  on  Chinese  women revealed  that  those  who  ate  cruciferous  vegetables  daily , had  a  50 percent  lower  risk  of  breast  cancer !

Another  research  on  European  women  found  that  eating  just  one  weekly  meal  with  cruciferous  vegetables  was  linked  to  a  17 percent  reduced  risk  of  breast  cancer . And  breast  cancer  survivors  who  regularly  enjoy  kale and  its  cousin  vegetables  (  such  as  broccoli ,  cauliflower ,  watercress , arugula  and  radish ) are  known  to  have  lower  risk  of cancer  recurrence .

Kale  is  packed  with  nutrients  among  which    :    vitamins  A , K ,  C  and  B6  ;  folate ;  dietary  fiber ; omega 3 fatty  acids  ;  lutein  and  zeaxanthin  ;   as  well  as  minerals  such  as  calcium , magnesium ,  copper  ,  manganese ,  and  a very  high  content  of  Iron  .                                                                                                              Vegetables  from the  cruciferous  family  are  high  in  protein  as  well  in  fiber   and   they  constitute   our  primary  dietary  source  of  sulfur-containing  phytochemicals  (  the  phytonutrients )  which  powerfully  stimulate  the  liver’s  detox  mechanism .

Other  important  benefits  include  :

  •   due  to  it  low carb  and  low calorie   content  ,  the  role  as  weight  loss  aid
  •   role  in  keeping  the  skin  healthy  and  strong  ,
  •   important   metabolism  and  immunity    booster ,
  •  protective  against  macular  degeneration ,


How  to  be  used  ?

  • In order to  get  the  maximum  benefit from  kale ,  it’s  better  to  chop , chew ,  blend ,  or  juice it .  Be  sure  to  include  in  the  diet  some  raw or  only  light  steamed  kale .
  • Kale’s bitter  taste can  be   toned  down  by  the  addition  of  extra  virgin  olive  oil .
  • Use kale raw  in  smoothies and  to  make  pesto and  salads  (  for  salads  remove  the  ribs first ,  cut  strips , and  massage  to  soften  )
  • Bake kale  chips with  extra virgin olive  oil
  • Steam kale , and  add  it  to  burritos  and  risottos
  • Sauté kale , and  stir into  cooked  beans
  • Stir-fry kale  with  other  vegetables

Kale  also  freezes  very  well ,  resulting  in  a  sweeter  taste  when it  thaws .  Simply  chop  leftovers  into  one-inch  ribbons  and  place  them  in  the  freezer  and  they  make  a  perfect  add  to  soups  .